陳麗秋|Chen, Li Chiu
陳麗秋|Chen, Li Chiu
🎓 專任副教授
👨🎓 美國馬里蘭大學
動作科學系 博士 📞 07-7811151轉7045
📧 ft083@fy.edu.tw
📖 學術專長
- 美國馬里蘭大學動作科學系博士
- 臺灣大學醫學院物理治療學系碩士
- 臺灣大學醫學院物理治療學系學士
- 臺灣大學醫學院物理治療學系助理教授
- 臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院物理治療師
- 臺灣大學醫學院物理治療學系助教
- 美國密西根大學動作科學系博士後研究員
- 臺灣物理治療學會理事
- 臺灣物理治療學會國際事務委員會副主委
- 臺灣物理治療學會副秘書長
- WCPT-AWP & ACPT Congress 2013大會秘書長
- 兒童物理治療
- 兒童知覺動作發展
- 兒童身體活動
- 劉香吟。學齡前發展性協調障礙孩童的身體活動量、健康體適能和自覺身體能力的表現。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,進行中)
- 沈怡汝。The effect of early intervention for preterm children with very low birthweight during school age。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2018年)
- 周詩潔。共病症對學齡期高功能自閉症兒童的情緒行為與適應性行為表現的影響。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2017年)
- 汪佩蓉。Relationship among mastery motivation, parental interactive behavior, and competences in young children with or at risk for developmental delay。(臺大物理治療學系博士班,2016年)
- 劉妍伶。早產兒與足月兒在坐姿下的頭部與軀幹的協調控制。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2016年)
- 何紫菱。臺灣學齡期自閉症兒童的休閒活動參與表現。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2016年)
- 趙盈瑄。 Relationship between physical activity, motor competence and environmental affordance in preterm and full-term young children。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2015年)
- 蘇琬淳。Postural control and interceptive skills during catching in children with autism spectrum disorder and motor deficits。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2015年)
- 張詩函。 Development of postural control in standing and walking in preterm and full-term infants。(臺大物理治療學系碩士班,2014年)
- 物理治療師證書
- Wang PJ, Liao HF, Kang LJ, Chen LC, Hwang AW, Lu L, Tu YK, Morgan GA. Child and family factors that predict participation attendance in daily activities of toddlers with global developmental delay. Disability and Rehabilitation 2019. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1678685 (SSCI)
- Chen LC*, Su WC, Ho TL, Lu L, Tsai WC, Chiu YN, Jeng SF. Postural control and interceptive skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Physical Therapy 2019;99:1231-1241. (SCI)
- Wang YC, Chen LC, Tung YC, Lee CC, Tsai SY. Physical activity and objectively assessed sleep in six-month-old infants in Taiwan. Research in Nursing & Health. 2019;42:128-135. (SCI)
- Wang PJ, Chen LC, Liao HF, Tu YK, Lu L, Morgan GA. Is mastery motivation a mediator of relations between maternal teaching behavior and developmental abilities in children with global developmental delay? Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 2019;39:292-309. (SSCI)
- Tsai SY, Lee CC, Chen LC, Tung YC. Infant sleep problems: the sleep characteristics of “don’t know” response. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2018;74:181-189. (SCI)
- Su YH, Jeng SF, Hsieh WS, Tu YK, Wu YT, Chen LC*. Gross motor trajectories during the first year of life for preterm infants with very low birth weight. Physical Therapy 2017;97:365-373. (SCI)
- Wang PJ, Morgan GA, Chen LC, Hwang AW, Lu L, HF Liao. Reliability and validity of the revised individualized structured mastery tasks in children with developmental delay. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2016;4:374.
- Chen LC*, Jeka J, Clark JE. Development of adaptive sensorimotor control in infant sitting posture. Gait & Posture 2016;45:157-63. (SCI)
- Wang PJ, Morgan GA, Hwang AW, Chen LC, Liao HF. Do maternal interactive behaviors correlate with developmental outcomes and mastery motivation in toddlers with and without motor delay? Physical Therapy 2014;94:1744-54. (SCI)
- Wu YC, Leng CH, Hsieh WS, Hsu CH, Chen WJ, Gau SS, Chiu NC, Yang MC, Li-Jung Fang, Hsu HC, Yu YT, Wu YT, Chen LC, Jeng SF.A randomized controlled trial of clinic-based and home-based interventions in comparison with usual care for preterm infants: effects and mediators. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2014;35:2384-93. (SSCI)
- Chen LC, Wu YC, Jeng SF. Response to “Letter to the editor “The effect of in-hospital developmental care on neonatal morbidity, growth and development of preterm Taiwanese infants: A randomized controlled trial””. Early Human Development. 2014;5:267-268. (SCI)
- Chen LC, Wu YC, Hsieh WS, Hsu CH, Leng CH, Chen WJ, Chiu NC, Lee WT, Yang MC, Fang LJ, Hsu HC, Jeng SF. The effect of in-hospital developmental care on neonatal morbidity, growth and development of preterm Taiwanese infants: A randomized controlled trial. Early Human Development 2013;89:301-306. (SCI)
- Angulo-Barroso RM, Tiernan C, Chen LC, Valentin-Gudiol M, and Ulrich D. Treadmill training in moderate risk preterm infants promotes stepping quality- results of a small randomised controlled trial. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2013;34:3629-3638. (SSCI)
- Yu YT, Hsieh WS, Hsu CH, Chen LC, Lee WT, Chiu NC, Wu YC, Jeng SF. A psychometric study of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development- 3rd Edition for term and preterm Taiwanese infants. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2013;34:3875-3883. (SSCI)
- 劉苑玟,廖華芳,陳麗秋,梁雅棻。「個案處理模式」及ICF-CY模式於發展性協調不良兒童之應用:個案報告。物理治療 2013;38:62-68.
- Chen PS, Chen LC, Lai CC, Jeng SF. Physical therapy for high risk neonates. Formosan Journal of Medicine. 2012;16:595-605.
- 甯智航,陳麗秋,吳盈瑾,游硯婷,吳晏慈,鄭素芳。早產兒的母子互動。物理治療,2012;37:68-75.
- Angulo-Barroso RM, Tiernan CW, Chen L-C, Ulrich D, Neary H. Treadmill responses and physical activity levels in infants at risk for neuromotor delay. Pediatric Physical Therapy 2010;22:61-68. (SCI)
- Angulo-Barroso RM, Chen LC, Tiernan CW, Lloyd M, Ulrich DA. Effects of treadmill training on physical activity in infants at risk for neuromotor delay. Assistive Technology Research Series 2010;26:303-305.
- Chen L-C, Metcalfe JS, Chang TY, Jeka JJ, Clark JE. The development of infant upright posture: Sway less or sway differently? Experimental Brain Research 2008; 186:293-303. ( SCI)
- Chen L-C, Metcalfe JS, Jeka JJ, Clark JE. Two steps forward and one back: Learning to walk affects infants' sitting posture. Infant Behavior and Development 2007; 30:16-25. (SSCI)
- Metcalfe JS, Chen L-C, Chang T-Y, McDowell K, Jeka JJ, Clark JE. The temporal organization of posture changes during the first year of independent walking. Experimental Brain Research 2005; 161:405-416. (SCI)
- Metcalfe JS, McDowell K, Chang T-Y, Chen L-C, Jeka JJ, Clark JE. Development of somatosensory-motor integration: An event-related analysis of infant posture in the first year of independent walking. Developmental Psychobiology 2005; 46:19-35. (SCI)
- Jeng SF, Chen LC, Tsou KI, Chen WJ, Luo HJ. Relationship between spontaneous kicking and age of walking attainment in preterm infants with very low birth weight and full-term infants. Physical Therapy 2004; 84:159-172. (SCI)
- Jeng SF, Chen LC, Yau KI. Kinematic analysis of kicking movements in preterm infants with very low birth weight and full-term infants. Physical Therapy 2002; 82:148-159. (SCI)
- Luo HJ, Jeng SF, Chen LC. Motion analysis of infant motor behaviors and clinical implications: An illustration of leg movements. Formosa journal of Physical Therapy 2001; 26:141-146. (in Chinese)
- Jeng SF, Yau KI, Chen LC, Hsiao SF. Alberta infant motor scale: reliability and validity when used on preterm infants in Taiwan. Physical Therapy 2000; 80:168-178. (SCI)
- Jeng SF, Yau KT, Liao H, Chen L, Chen, P. Prognostic factors for walking attainment in very low-birthweight preterm infants. Early Human Development 2000; 59:159-173. (SCI)
- Chen LC, Jeng SF, Yau KIT, Teng RJ, Chen SY. Responsiveness of the Neonatal Neurobehavioral Examination-Chinese version. Formosa journal of Physical Therapy 1997;22:21-27. (in Chinese)
- Jeng SF, Tsao CC, Chen LC, Teng RJ, Yau KI, Jan MH. Reliability of the Neonatal Neurobehavioral Examination--Chinese version. Early Human Development 1996; 45:191-202. (SCI)
- 陳麗秋、廖華芳、陳姝希。兒童的知覺動作行為與發展。廖華芳:兒童物理治療學。四版。台北:禾楓書局:2021。
- 程欣儀、陳麗秋、廖華芳。兒童動作控制與動作學習。廖華芳:兒童物理治療學。四版。台北:禾楓書局:2021。
- 陳麗秋、張薰文、廖華芳。發展性協調障礙與注意力不足過動症。廖華芳:兒童物理治療學。四版。台北:禾楓書局:2021。
- 陳麗秋、簡盟月。運動課程- 肢體障礙者的非結構式運動。教育部學生事務與特殊教育司:肢體障礙與腦性麻痺學生之教育與輔導實例。2017。
- 簡盟月、陳麗秋。體能活動的危險警訊與注意事項。臺北市教育局:臺北市發展各校身心障礙學生適應體育多元課程手冊- 國小教育階段。2016。
- 鄭素芳、陳麗秋。中文版新生兒神經行為發展評估量表。台北:金名圖書印刷公司;2014。
- 廖華芳、陳麗秋。兒童動作控制之發展與評估。廖華芳:小兒物理治療學。三版。台北:禾楓書局;2011。
- Chen L-C, Clark JE. Growth and motor development during infancy. In G. Payne & P.Geng (Eds.): Introduction to Human Motor Development. Beijing, China: People’s Education Press of Beijing. 2008. (in simplified Chinese)
- Metcalfe JS, Chen L-C, Kopp MA, Jeka JJ, Clark JE. Beyond postural sway reduction: Do newly walking infants couple with a driving somatosensory stimulus? In J.van der Kamp, A. Ledebt, G. J. P. Savelbergh, & E. Thelen (Eds.): Advances in motor development and learning in infancy (pp. 31-34). Enschede, The Netherlands: PrintPartners Ipskamp. 2001.
- 動作協調障礙對學齡前兒童的影響:運動介入的效果。(110/08/01~110/07/31,科技部)
- 足月兒與早產兒在發展早期的身體活動量以及其和動作技能與環境因素的關係。(101/08/01~103/01/31,國科會)
- 早產兒的早期站立姿控制與行走功能的的發展。(100/08/01~101/07/31,國科會)
- 早產兒的適應性感覺動作協調與坐姿控制的發展(2/2)。(99/08/01~100/07/31,國科會)
- 早產兒的適應性感覺動作協調與坐姿控制的發展(1/2)。(98/10/01~99/07/31,國科會)